Another great resource for educating the young — SEROCU
On LinkedIn I was directed by one of my connections to a post by Chris White, Head of Cyber & Innovation at The Cyber Resilience Centre…
On LinkedIn I was directed by one of my connections to a post by Chris White, Head of Cyber & Innovation at The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South East, highlighting some very interesting work that has been published by the South East Regional Organised Crime Unit (SEROCU)
This is just the sort of initiative that I feel is very important in the current climate and to see SMEs putting together a package that can be delivered in just an hour but also putting all the resources in one place is excellent. It is very targeted at a niche problem that exists with regards to more technically capable teens going down the wrong path and using their skills to cause carnage rather than taking those skills into Cybersecurity where they can do much more good and get paid!
South East Regional Organised Crime Unit
This is the ideal time for anyone with skill and an interest in the world of computing and all things cyber to explore…
As many of you know I currently have a campaign going to get the government to take responsibility for creating such a package of education, designed by SMEs and fully resourced which can be delivered at all levels of the education system.
Petition: Publish mandatory curriculum content on online safety for children
The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education statutory guidance contains content…
I believe that this is the responsible route to take and will also reduce the pressure/stress placed on teachers and teaching staff to create these packages with such varied results across the UK.
The SEROCU programme I have linked above is something that can be used by Parents, teachers and carers alike and even by individuals who are just concerned and want to know more.
I highly recommend having a look at the material on their site if you are in a position where you might be able to help a teen who could be at that crossroads in their life.
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