Happy Birthday to #MyPebble
Well today is officially his 5th birthday! Many of you already know him just as well as you know me. We got Leffe around the time of my…
Well today is officially his 5th birthday! Many of you already know him just as well as you know me. We got Leffe around the time of my official diagnosis with C-PTSD and he has been on a journey with me.
My wife has been #MyRock and this little man #MyPebble. I had been struggling for years before my diagnosis and Colleen had been supporting me so very much, but there were times when she had to leave me alone and I would often spiral into crisis. Ever since Leffe arrived he has become the wingman I never knew I needed.
He often senses when I am being triggered and he will just come and sit with me or place a paw on me and this will be enough to anchor me in reality.
Happy birthday little man I love you so very much x
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