I am all in now! All my chips are in the pot.
So the petition I started is up to 618 signatures and that's after just over 3 weeks which I think is really a great improvement from when…
So the petition I started is up to 618 signatures and that's after just over 3 weeks which I think is really a great improvement from when I posted about my frustration. It is unfortunately still a way off the target 100k signatures.
I have nothing but love for each person who has signed this petition, every person who has commented, reacted to it or shared my posts is a great person who has taken a positive action in the war against online predators who seek to use the lack of knowledge of both children and adults to their own depraved personal advantage.
Personally speaking my normal blogging/vlogging can be mentally and physically exhausting, as it will trigger me constantly but this campaign has added so much extra pressure and worry for me as I am genuinely scared shitless that it will fail.
It takes a lot for me to try and maintain any kind of positive mindset especially when it comes to a subject that has torn me apart and affected those around me so very much. The fact that this campaign has been so much of a struggle with a lack of support from the media or the shitty algorithms has also given me a bit of a kicking.
If you haven't watched my latest "TED not Talk" YouTube video then please do take 20 minutes to do so to properly understand why this is important to me, why it should be important to you and also to understand why doing nothing is just not an option anymore.
It's time to pick a side in this war because as I mentioned in my initial post, if I fail then I will resign myself to the fact that I was right all along about the human race and I will regress back into the dark places. I knew I was risking any forward progress I have made since my diagnosis by launching this campaign but at the time I thought it was a safe bet, but that bet is looking more and more like a bad call.
The picture is me right now 0120hrs and naturally I can't sleep, so I do what I normally do and write about what is in my head. I am sorry if you have read this far and wish I would stfu as genuinely it gives me very little pleasure, I was brought up by my father to give it everything you have to something you care about and I can honestly say that at this point I am 'All In' and all my chips are now in the pot.
Petition: Publish mandatory curriculum content on online safety for children
The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education statutory guidance contains content…petition.parliament.uk
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#childsafety #childprotection #cybersafetyguy