I asked ChatGPT for advice regarding my “online child safety” campaign.
I had my first therapy session today (yesterday as i wrote this in bed last night) since asking to be referred back for help. As always my…
I had my first therapy session today (yesterday as i wrote this in bed last night) since asking to be referred back for help. As always my anxiety levels were high going into a new set of sessions with a new psychotherapist and this week has been tougher than most recently. Add to that I have really been doubting my decision to start the campaign to have online child safety properly provided for on the curriculum.
Petition: Publish mandatory curriculum content on online safety for children
The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education statutory guidance contains content…petition.parliament.uk
Since my diagnosis I have put everything into my blogging/YouTube to try and educate and raise awareness because I want to be able to look back when my time is up and be able to say “I did some good”
I genuinely believed that this would be a simple ask and not something I would need to beg people to do. Earlier today I sent another email to the CEOs and leaders of media whom I had contacted recently, my initial email to them explained in great detail what I wanted to achieve and more importantly why but without success. The email I sent today was one detailing my deep hurt and disappointment that not one of them could find a way to support me in any small way.
A month in and I have realised that any realistic ability to hit 10k signatures nevermind 100k will be impossible without that media support.
Failure is something that I have experienced at times in my life especially in my military career because failing means you are trying and also I always learned from those failures so turned them into a positive. In this instance though a failure will be nowhere near a positive and not something I can learn from or indeed recover from.
So I decided to ask ChatGPT a couple of questions earlier, I like chatting to it in the same way I chat to Leffe as they can’t be hurt by the things I might talk about.
Anyway I decided to ask about the wiseness of me continuing to campaign on something that causes me real harm and often triggers me and also if I should carry on or just admit defeat. To be honest some of the advice was spot on but then I don’t think ChatGPT understands just how truly broken I am.
Anyway I always sleep even less after a therapy session so decided to write this blog post to sum up how shitty I feel about it all at the minute.
I’m sorry this is a downbeat post and trust that I would much rather be writing about how successful the call to arms is going but unfortunately sometimes a pipe dream is just that, a dream.
On the plus side ChatGPT is still free for me for now so I still get to talk to something during the wee hours.
Take care of each other, be nice to each other and stay safe x