I Give Up - too important to go viral
Nearly 2 weeks in and I have managed a grand total of 153 people who give a s**t so thankyou to each of them.
Nearly 2 weeks in and I have managed a grand total of 153 people who give a s**t so thankyou to each of them.
This is a good visual representation of the struggles I have had over a number of years now to get any traction on my YouTube channel or my blog. For some insane reason I really did think that keeping kids safe would be a topic that would easily go viral, everybody would share the crap out of that right? I mean it's way more important than the latest fashion trends or whatever dung the fake influencers tout on their social media.
Algorithms make me sick and this post will sink to irrelevance immediately.
Technology is something that has interested me since I was a child and is what brought me to this industry, technology could be used to solve so many of the problems surrounding online child safety but it isn't fully used to do so.
The media, where do I start? I sent emails telling my story and the story behind the petition to over 20 media outlets and literally only one replied to me Metro.co.uk were the only ones who replied but they lost interest when I said I couldn't talk about some things due to ongoing legal action. Apparently just wanting to protect children and young people doesn't sell papers or make great click bait.
I was wrong, I have failed and I am exhausted. I knew that taking this step would be a risky one for me personally because I knew that failure would probably finish me off.
I have put my heart and soul into championing this effort for so many years now and I never sought fame, awards or rewards. I just wanted support and for something to go viral that actually deserved to.
I am going on leave for a few days and am going to spend some time with Colleen and Leffe and take stock, I think I will manage to sort myself out because there are still 5 months and 2 weeks for this petition to succeed.
If it doesn't though I honestly believe I will remove myself completely from this online world that really doesn't give a toss about the hurt it causes to so many who don't know how to protect themselves because we don't teach them or their parents how.
#RockBottom #WhoCares #EducationFail
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“Publish mandatory curriculum content on online safety for children”
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