Life is like a box of chocolates
Well the petition has been sat at 666 for 3 days now and if that isn't the universe trying to send me a message I don't know what is 😔.
Well the petition has been sat at 666 for 3 days now and if that isn't the universe trying to send me a message I don't know what is 😔.
I have spent the last week reaching out to media, influencers etc and being solidly ignored.
#ForrestGump and #FatBastard said it best, life is like a box of chocolates, I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle.
I did get a reply from one media organisation that did make me chuckle and then eat chocolate though:
"Hi Dale,
If you believe it’s a national story, you should contact national news outlets.
May I suggest the lack of response you have encountered so far is because you are approaching the wrong outlets.
Best wishes
Why thanks Julie! Why had I not thought of that! Anyway if anybody wants me I will be distracting myself with work and chocolate.
Help me to protect children! it's not bloody difficult! #childsafety #childprotection
Get over to and read about why this petition is so important! Help me make something important go…
Hope you all have a good week ahead.
Petition: Publish mandatory curriculum content on online safety for children
The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education statutory guidance contains content…