Online Child Safety petition — Sitrep
I am currently recovering from some surgery I underwent at the weekend so will admit I am dealing with a lot of pain and discomfort at the…
I am currently recovering from some surgery I underwent at the weekend so will admit I am dealing with a lot of pain and discomfort at the moment. Nothing compared to the level of mental pain and discomfort that I am feeling about my petition campaign though.
Petition: Publish mandatory curriculum content on online safety for children
The Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education statutory guidance contains content…
I made the mistake of going to look at some of the other petitions currently running at the moment and if you are trying to protect animals then fear not you can get hundreds of thousands of signatures quite easily!
I am not a stupid man, I know that the subject of child abuse is not one that people like to talk about or even acknowledge but believe me when I say that sexual predators use this to their advantage! I have spent the last couple of months trying to get the media to take notice and have failed, I have spent many hours trying to engage and have been solidly ignored but the media still happily print stories about the misery caused by the abusers. Still, won't even take time to advertise a campaign that could help in some small way protect those kids from becoming victims.
I can honestly say that I am really pissed off at the minute, I am on some pretty great pain meds but still feel a massive pain in my chest every time I think about how badly this campaign is going. A 5-minute video from me on my current feelings if you want to see what it means to me.
I will take some time to recover and get my head back in the game but I really felt this needed to be written and be said because at the minute I am ashamed to be a human and have never been closer to throwing in the towel with regard to this whole online environment and the evil that it enables to survive and operate.
Take care all.