The issue seems to be that people throw a circuit breaker when a problem is perceived to be too large to do anything about. My wife and I have been educating people about human trafficking for 9 years and we have learned that as soon as they hear the word human trafficking, their brain switches off. The people that we've been able to interview and get to understand this phenomenon have explained that they don't know enough about it, it is so large that they feel they can make no difference, and they are scared of thinking about it because it questions their entire understanding of the universe. Or at least it feels that way.

So we now focus on "abuse prevention." It has a similar reaction to human trafficking, but not as pronounced.

We also learned that people don't want to get involved in a topic unless they have an emotional connection to someone that has had that happen to them. This is what is so phenomenal about the VR app that we made. There is a young girl in the app who talks to you for 20 minutes, and you can use her as an emotional guide post or "someone you know" and it helps you see it from their point of view. Safely.

Once people have an emotional connection to the topic, they're willing to learn more about it and make changes to their own behavior.

Abuse of any sort is an incredibly difficult topic and I'm really proud that you're out there making a difference! Don't give up!

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You have done more than me in this area but don't give up. I've been shouting into this void since the 2000s telling parents and teachers what was coming. I even did a few workshops on it but it seem to fall on deaf ears. Keep fighting the good fight.

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Thanks my friend no chance I will ever give up! You keep fighting the good fight!

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Oh don't worry I will continue as long as it can protect even one child it's worth it! Thankyou though.

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