After my last article, a question popped up in my chat about “Group 764”
Have you heard about the latest PSA sent out by the FBI on group 764?
It went on to ask if there were specific tools to monitor this group or prevent access to sites for this group or other self-harm groups. I will handle that towards the end of this post, but I thought I would first go into what 764 is all about.
Anybody who reads my stuff knows I am a big supporter of the internet being used by everybody. It has immense potential when used responsibly and safely. You will also know that I have seen first-hand the dark corners that exist there; such a dark corner is where you will find 764, hiding and plying their trade.
Firstly, this is not a small group of individuals ‘chatting shit’ in a telegram group; it is a sprawling network with global reach and an unhealthy and criminal interest in exploiting the most vulnerable among us, our children. It isn’t only about extreme graphic content either; this is a systemic campaign of abuse using threats, blackmail, and manipulation to coerce or extort victims into producing, sharing, or live-streaming acts of self-harm, animal cruelty, sexually explicit acts, and/or suicide. This footage is then circulated among 764 members who will also extort or coerce that victim.
This group is adept at using cybercriminals’ tactics and techniques, including Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT), Phishing, and Sim Swapping, to identify and target their victims.
The ideology of 764 is a very toxic mixture of Neo-Nazi beliefs and satanic symbolism and can be linked with the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) – an esoteric militant accelerationist movement. As I mentioned, this isn’t only about sexual gratification; it's also about a twisted form of indoctrination, an attempt to corrupt and destroy young minds and lives.
Although the group is not proscribed in the UK, it has been designated a Tier 1 terrorist threat by the FBI in America, which places it alongside some of the most dangerous terrorist and criminal organisations in the world.
Thinking it doesn’t affect us here in the UK would be the very worst thing that you as a parent could do, only this January, a Sussex-based teenager was sentenced to 6 years in prison for a multitude of crimes and his involvement with 764.
I cannot explain to you just how depraved these people are; there are no limits to the depths they will go to when they have a victim, and by the victim, remember, this could be your child! You need to understand that with my own eyes, I have witnessed the end result of what happens, and I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Not only does it horrifically affect the child, but there is a ripple effect outwards to the family and friends, the police officers who must investigate and the therapist who will be there to support the child to deal with what has happened and the life sentence ahead.
So now that you know about the threat from 764 and other similar groups how are you best equipped to protect your children going forward? Here is some general advice and links to other topics I have written that could help.
As always, my first piece of advice is Open & Honest Communication. Your children must know they can come to you with any concerns without fear of judgment. They will be less likely to hide something from you, and that interaction could be the one thing that protects them from becoming victims.
Parental Controls/Monitoring: I have written posts on parental controls and monitoring and advise you to read them. This advice, though, links to my previous comment. Let your children know that you are not spying on them and only trying to protect them, but more importantly, let them know why you need to protect them.
Also, if you search for a particular app or social media platform, you will find articles I have created for many popular ones.
Education: “Knowledge is Power.” This is just as important for children of all ages. If you don’t teach them about the risks online, then they will be none the wiser to the very real dangers. Would you ever choose not to have the “stranger danger” conversation with them? No? Then have the Online Stranger Danger chat with them!
Until I can achieve some success in getting online safety added to the national curriculum, the responsibility will lie with you. However, I am here to assist in that and always reach out should you need extra advice. I will always spend time helping protect a child.
Report inappropriate/Suspicious Behaviour: “If you see it, say it” is something I hear all the time on public transport in London, and it makes great sense even online; the more people that report these things, the easier it is for the relevant authorities to take action.
Promote Good Mental Health Awareness: Be aware of the signs of mental health struggles in your children and seek help when needed.
764 are just one group, but many others are hidden in the internet's darkest corners; the best way to protect your children is to show interest in what they are doing online, have conversations and be there when they need you. Please don’t let them become part of a criminal case that a person like me would have to analyse, my C-PTSD doesn’t just affect me it has ripple effects of its own that will shape our lives forever. I also don’t want your child to become another statistic.