Happy Friday to you all and I hope you are looking forward to the weekend ahead and have plans to relax and enjoy some well-earned downtime!
As always, Leffe has supported me throughout the week. Like any proud Pawrent, I have taken far too many pictures. I will share them with you, hoping they will bring a smile to your face the way he does mine!

This week I selected a few of the many, many, many pictures I take of him for your therapeutic viewing pleasure. On the top row on the left, this was an unexpected birthday gift from his dog walkers who look after him sometimes, they have figured out the secret of looking after Leffe is bribery!
Next to that, you will see a picture of Fudge, the school cat that ‘helps’ Colleen work, here Fudge is sending e-mails for her :)
Top right is one of the many times I just can’t get out of bed and Leffe will come and just be with me and get me through.
There are a couple of pictures of Leffe watching the rugby with me as that is something we often enjoy together, especially when Ireland are dominating on the field!
Finally bottom right I had a trip to the Hospital this week the NHS are as always overworked and understaffed but did an amazing job looking after me and I have nothing but the utmost respect for them and the people like
whose hard work, dedication and going above and beyond are the only thing keeping things working, Thankyou to all of you NHS Heroes, the government may have forgotten but many of us never will.I hope this made you smile and you can enjoy your weekend ahead, take care all of you from Leffe and me.