Happy Friday to you all and I hope you are looking forward to the weekend ahead and have plans to relax and enjoy some well-earned downtime!
It has been a busy week for the wee man, facing his usual primary task of looking after me, he has had time for his usual antics, putting a smile on my face!

This week I selected a few of the many, many, many pictures I take of him for your therapeutic viewing pleasure and have included a video to make you laugh.
Top row begins with us trying to introduce luminous green glasses to Leffe and that went as you would imagine, with him trying to lick and eat them but we did manage a couple of decent pictures.
Middle row and Leffe has been getting very excited about the changing weather, many of you know that his favourite pastime is to conserve energy by napping on one of his many beds, but his favourite thing to do is to seek any sunshine and nap in that instead!
Bottom row is how everyday starts for Colleen as she eats her breakfast before going to work, Leffe ensures that any food dropped never reaches the floor, his second favourite pastime. He also likes to watch me eat in hopes that he will guilt me into sharing with him, as I have the breaking strain of a straw, he is correct in that assumption and always gets some of my banana.
Lastly, Leffe is a big fan of sprouts and broccoli as he shows here, unfortunately for us the after effects are always emotional 💨💨💨💨
I hope this made you smile and you can enjoy your weekend ahead, take care all of you from Leffe and me.