We can do this! Petition update
I wanted to give a bit of an update on the petition to have an official education package teaching ‘Online Child Safety’ added to the…
I wanted to give a bit of an update on the petition to have an official education package teaching ‘Online Child Safety’ added to the curriculum for all schools in the UK.
We are up to 449 signatures but still quite a long way to go!
Can I ask everybody to sign if you haven’t already, share with all of your friends, family and work colleagues! Share across all of your social media platforms.
Write to your MP and highlight this petition and what it is trying to achieve and if anybody has contacts in the media please highlight to them too!
Most of you know how passionate I am about this and also know the reasons why, although I may have C-PTSD I will literally stand up in front of a room full of MPs and tell them from my heart exactly why this is needed and the kind of horrors it could help to prevent.
Thankyou to everybody who has supported me so far, you have no idea what it means to me.
Sign my important petition and please do share.
“Publish mandatory curriculum content on online safety for children”
https://cybersafetyguy.com/membership If you would like to become a medium supporter please feel free to use my link. Any money I do make through Medium will be donated to The Not Forgotten Association, a charity very close to my heart.