My name is Dale and the handsome young one in the picture is Leffe. I served 22 years in the Royal Air Force Police, the last 8 years of my career were spent in Cyber security as a Digital Forensics & Incident Response specialist. During that time I was expected to also investigate criminal and inappropriate web browsing sessions. Over that period I analysed in excess of 1 million images with approximately a quarter of those being criminal across all levels of the grading scales. I had no counselling or therapy support in place and was eventually diagnosed with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) which resulted in my medical discharge in 2019.
I have been very fortunate to have the unwavering support of my wife Colleen (My Rock) and also the French Bulldog we brought into our lives around the time of my diagnosis, he is named Leffe (My Pebble). My wife has been my reason to live and that's why she is my rock, Leffe has supported me when she isn't here and that's why he is my pebble! He seems to have a sixth sense about my state of mind and when I am beginning to spiral into the darkness, he will come and lie beside me or just place a paw on my arm or leg and this is generally just enough to bring me back to reality.
My battles with C-PTSD are the reason for my passion for the subjects of online child safety and also mental health awareness. I see PTSD as a huge dark storm cloud in my life, therefore I try to find as many positives to add silver linings, my YouTube channel and this blog are two of those silver linings.
Any money received from subscriptions or other sources in the future will be split evenly between 2 charities that are very special to me.
I hope you find the blog and the YouTube channel of use as a knowledge base. If I can be of any further use then please feel free to reach out to me via YouTube, email me cybersafetyguy(@)
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