Sitemap - 2023 - Cyber Safety Guy
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Online Child Safety petition — Sitrep
Take it down — Meta have a new tool in the fight!
Why I do what I do — Children Need Pro(tech)tion!
Life is like a box of chocolates
I asked ChatGPT for advice regarding my “online child safety” campaign.
Cyber Safety Guy petition update
Another great resource for educating the young — SEROCU
I am all in now! All my chips are in the pot.
Shout out to Microsoft for being part of the fight!
Petition plea before the weekend!
Thank you for the support! Please keep it up.
We can do this! Petition update
I Give Up - too important to go viral
Please sign the petition! "Publish mandatory curriculum content on online safety for children."
Snapchat safety guide for parents
Update — Petition requesting online child safety be added to the cirriculum
ChatGPT What is it and why do I need to care as a parent?
Online Child Safety Curriculum — Passionate Reply to Secretary of State for Education